Colette Aliman

Colette Aliman is a creative researcher working within the fields of Design and Art. In 2017 she moved from New York City to attend the Contextual Design Masters at Design Academy Eindhoven, The Netherlands. After graduation, in 2019, she launched the platform: Sound-Office to explore the soundscapes that we and other species find ourselves in as a result of the industrial revolution. Colette finds sound knowledge a methodology to help understand the most complex topics society engages with daily into design and sound art. Her topics of interest and research include multi-species-culture(s) sonic intersections, raising awareness of citizen’s choice in a product’s sound design, and speculative R&D in the future of the industrial revolution soundscapes. Her work advocates for the investigation of urban soundscapes through the methodology of intuitive recalibration.

Click here for the full CV


© Colette Aliman 2022 All rights reserved. Designed & Developed by June Park

Careful Listening: Shared Lands of Energy


This project explores the idea that infrasound frequencies below 20 hertz from the green energy transition affect and connect human and nonhuman residents in urban and rural areas.

The goal is to develop skills in recording, analyzing, and communicating the impact of low-frequency vibrations for advancements in design research methodologies and urban planning. The artistic framework focuses on sonic equity within multispecies relationships, particularly studying cows in farmland undergoing energy transition.

Since 2024, Colette Aliman and Samar Kahn have been visiting various cow communities and their caretakers to sense, understand, record, and analyze how cows potentially communicate using infrasound and how this intertwines with the infrasound from newly installed wind turbines.