Colette Aliman is a creative researcher working within the fields of Design and Art. In 2017 she moved from New York City to attend the Contextual Design Masters at Design Academy Eindhoven, The Netherlands. After graduation, in 2019, she launched the platform: Sound-Office to explore the soundscapes that we and other species find ourselves in as a result of the industrial revolution.
Colette finds sound knowledge a methodology to help understand the most complex topics society engages with daily into design and sound art. Her topics of interest and research include multi-species-culture(s) sonic intersections, raising awareness of citizen’s choice in a product’s sound design, and speculative R&D in the future of the industrial revolution soundscapes. Her work advocates for the investigation of urban soundscapes through the methodology of intuitive recalibration.
Click here for the full CV
© Colette Aliman 2022 All rights reserved.
Designed & Developed by June Park
Sound-Office↘ ![]() Website→
The mechaphony (mecha- meaning mechanical and phony- meaning sound), the soundscape exuded from devices conceived since the industrial revolution, is a terminology to create a reference point to how we find ourselves in our sonic culture today. With the growth of the Industrial Revolution, humanity’s perception of sound continues to be re-evaluated. The relationship we have with our sonic surroundings is too heavily based on quantifiable means. What would happen if we detach our biases of sound and through experimental practices, redefine and prophesize to envision what our future sonic practices could be? From this question the Sonic Recalibration Lab was born, a platform for cross-modal experimentation in our current and future auditory perception within the mechaphony. The lab encourages collaborations and open for assignments. Projects Chapter Homeland ↓ In Homeland research is implemented within multi-species sonic cultures. Our planet is home. The vibrational force that we call sound ungulates and caresses every molecule in our home. How has the mechaphony morphed our sonic relations to other species-cultures sound spaces? Inspired by the Goethean practice of conscious-process-participation, we can extend this kind of holistic, participatory science into design thinking and implementation, to inspire nature-culture-nomos-abatement-engineers. We ask what is the role designers and engineers as tuners of the mechaphony?
![]() The Mechaphony Publication
Chapter Prophetica ↓ Prophetica is a space to discover and implement speculative practices as a response to our reflections on the mechaphony. As mechanical technology may begin to resemble and assimilate into our ecologies, will the mechanized soundscape of the mechaphony have an expiration? Looking into the future, if the principles of bio-logic become a part of the design of technology, then there is a complexity that can be prophecised.
In parallel, we are in a moment in time where we have the flexibility to control the sounds that instruments of the mechaphony (devices and machines that find their genesis in the industrial revolution) exude. If the importance of the sound is inserted as a specification from the beginning during the engagement process between engineer and designer, we can then have the sounds of the mechaphony as not a waste by-product, but a sonic deposit that is aesthetic to its locality. In development is a collaboration between the Sonic Recalibration Lab and Robert Drew (HEK OPS) to create a interactive platform to gather onomatopoeic language that the urban civilian would like to use to envision what the mechaphony could be. In research and development is an interface to create the objects of our future mechaphony, using an onomatopoeic catalogue, users can design the instruments of the future mechaphony by the method of reverse foley. Designing with the sound first, users play the role of engineer and designer to envision our future devices and machines. ![]() PROGNOSIS (FM-000)
Chapter Muse ↓ Muse is a rotating material based research on how we interface with sound. The main focus is to unquantify our relationship to the mechaphony to discover other relational possibilities. ![]() The Mechaphony
Studiocalh↘ ![]() E-mail→
Lauriane Heim and Colette Aliman are two design researchers based in Rotterdam under the name studiocalh, their personal and collective work ranges between performative installations, publications, material, and field research. The duo’s motivation is to show how sound blurs boundaries and mediates the relationship between resistance and power. They find design research necessary within the sonic genre, as the development of our sonic sensibilities creates an alternative structural base to our visually dominated world. Thus they question the sonic borders of design and advocate sound as a material at the forefront of design methods. Projects ![]() Conversing Our Soundscapes of Fear
![]() Soundscapes of Fear
![]() Mutated Industry
News↘ Call out for participants! Sound and hospitals.
Want to be a part of a sound art project? This is a questionnaire for a project by Colette Aliman at Erasmus MC's art platform, ArtEra. Please fill out the survey about how we perceive sounds in machines and buildings, as well as how our imagination can shape the sounds we wish to hear in healthcare environments.
Fill out survey about Erasmus MC here Fill out survey about hospitals in general here ![]() SHIFT EP out today!
SHIFT is an electroacoustic EP created by sound artist Colette Aliman and climate change modeler Tim van den Akker during their Collaboration for Futures in Eindhoven, NL fellowship. It explores Antarctica's future through the sonification of Tim's ice sheet models, projecting up to 1,000 years ahead.
Listen here ![]() Wild Summer of Art at BRUTUS
On friday July 12th Wild Summer of Art will be opening at BRUTUS in Rotterdam, NL. I will show my work Policy In Flux along with other artists for the summer exhibiton.
Find out more here ![]() Careful Listening: shared lands of energy
I am happy to announce that my project Careful Listening: share lands of energy recieved the Starting Design Grant from Creative Industrie Fonds NL, Stimuleringsfonds. The project will research the relationship between infrasound and noise pollution from wind turbines and the sensorial world cow communities within the Netherlands and Belgium.
Find out more here ![]() The Acoustic Continuum
I am happy to announce that my project The Acoustic Continuum recieved the Experimental Grant from Creative Industrie Fonds NL, Stimuleringsfonds. The project asks the question: how can the fusion of archaeocoustics, speculative design, and noise pollution research be conveyed through performative lectures to inspire innovative solutions and create a deeper understanding of these interdisciplinary concepts?
![]() Processing Foundation Fellowship
I am happy to announce that the group project Screen to Soundscape involving Dr.Ahnjili ZhuParris PhD, Dan Xu, Alyssa Gerson and I will be supported by the Processing Foundation Fellowship: Sustaining Community Expansion and Accesss. In this project we will transform the browser into an immersive auditory experience.
Find out more about our project and the other extremely inspiring fellows ![]() Fate of Scitalis workshop and lecture performance
I was invited to give a workshop and lecture performance for Reveries Collective in Brussels, BE for the event Fate of Scitalis. This event takes place on March 13th and mixes performance, lecture, and workshop elements. I will lead the workshop and explore crafting flexible policies in the realm of sound. Over two hours, we'll brainstorm and experiment with vocalizing and sounding adaptive decision-making and policy development inspired by sound's impact on our world.
The session will be interactive, drawing from diverse inspirations like policy diagrams, Pauline Oliveros's scores, and Bernhard Leitner's designs. Expect to engage in activities that fine-tune our listening and participatory skills through movement and vocal exercises.
Find out more here ![]() Collaborations For Future Fellowship
I am happy to share my participation in the program Collaborations For Future by Foundation We Are. Since November 2023, I have been working with Tim van den Akker and his research on ice sheet modeling of the Antarctic at Utrecht University to develop a project regarding climate change. Find out more about our and the other collaborative teams and the program.
Find out more here Femfest 2024 Radio Echo
On March 8th from 20:45 - 21:30h I will be facilitating the show Listening Exercises For The Afterhours for Radio Echo Collective and Worm Rotterdam during Femfest 2024
tune in here ![]() Interview with Radio 8000
Noam Youngrak Son and I were interviewed by Jakob Braito from Radio 8000 Munich for 25AV audio visual competition for our project "Cook Quantitatively with Energy."
listen here Sound-Office.Online official opening
In September Sound Office officialy launched to the public the platform, a research platform developing the bridge between creative sound research and noise mitigation by intertwining the creative sector, engineering sector, and city municipalities. The website is an experimental archiving platform with a porous organizational system as well as a listening room. This event was supported by Stimuleringsfonds Creatieve Industry NL and CBK Rotterdam. Interview with 25AV
Noam Youngrak Son and I were interviewed for 25AV audio visual competition for our project "Cook Quantitatively with Energy."
more info here link to video 25AV with Noam Youngrak Son
Noam Youngrak Son and I teamed up for the 25AV audio visual competition. Our project "Cook Quantitatively with Energy" was selected for a residency at iMAL in Brussels and will be performing our set in the coming fall at iMAL (Brussels), Zirka (Munich), and Triennale (Milan).
more info here link to video Sound-Office presentation at DDW22
During Dutch Design Week I will be giving a presentation on what I have been doing during my one year Talent Development Grant from Stimuleringsfonds, at MU Hybrid Art House on October 27th at 13:30h.
more info here ![]() Stimuleringsfonds presents Talent, Dancing with Trouble
During Dutch Design Week 2022, October 22-30, Stimuleringsfonds will be presenting a show of all the grant awardees for the Talent Development Grant at MU Hybrid Art House in Eindhoven.
more info here ![]() Stimuleringsfonds feature video
Excited to present a video feature from the Talent Development Grant from Stimuleringsfonds.
see video here ![]() Fiber Festival 2022
Excited to present a performance lecture "They'll Audiate Lilies Singing" at the Fiber Festival Conference on June 18, 2022
read more here ![]() Sound Ecologies Fiber Festival 2021
Recently I participated in collaborative lab at the Fiber Festival Reassemble Part 2: Sound Ecologies Lab. During the week I collaborated with Gizem Senturk and Loden Rietveld as we prototyped our 8 channel installation: Things At The Same Time.
read more here watch video here Stimuleringsfonds Talent Development 2021-2022
Thankful to announce the Sonic Recalibration Lab recieved a year long funding from the Creative Industries Fund, NL. For the next year we will work on a a three part online publication with research focusing specifically on: urban noise, anthropomorphization of sound quantification and the sound paradoxes of green energy.
read more here ![]() Exchange in Fragments Broadcast on Radio Stasis
Through conversation, Sofia and Colette analyze and dissect the sonic elements from soundscapes, runway mixes and other music related to fashion affairs that explore world-building.
listen here Episodes 1-4 of Conversing Our Soundscapes of Fear podcast Re-FORMAT 2021
Along with the other FORMAT laureates, Studiocalh will be debuting our installation and podcast Conversing Our Soundscapes of Fear, a design research project generating links between academic research and sound design practices. It questions the relationship between sound and the spectrum of fear emotions such as distress, apprehension, and alertness. What can the action of listening tell us about our fears? ![]() Stimuleringsfonds 2020
Studiocalh is happy to announce that Conversing Our Soundscapes of Fear will be co-funded by the Design Grant from The Creative Industries Funds, NL
![]() FORMAT 2020
Excited to announce Studiocalh’s participation in the talent development program FORMAT at Z33.
How can design and architecture encourage critical thinking? This question is at the heart of the new edition of FORMAT. During the lockdown period, the 8 laureates discussed the challenges for their practice and how to present them. ![]() Dutch Design Week, What A Time To Be Alive 2020
Studiocalh presents Soundscapes of Fear during Dutch Design Week 2020
On October 20th we will have our panel: Sound Design and the Spectrum of Fear. This discussion will feature Studiocalh, Marylou, Toros Senan, and Karena Kalmbach. Watch Panel discussion video ![]() Geodesign: COVID19
Check out Studiocalh’s new sonic investigation into COVID-19 and pharmaceutical supply chains. Dutch Design Week, G19
Sonic Recalibration Lab goes live this Dutch Design Week
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